This week was probably the most fun and challenging yet. I feel like I’m getting close to really being able to use 3D Studio vs. just avoiding it. Watching more and more tutorials, as well as just playing around in the program has been most helpful by far. I have already created my light fixture’s shape, and all that is left is just adding texture and lighting, which will probably be more challenging and best left as something to take the whole week to finish.
My sketch for this week was fun and started with just the flower. I figured I should try adding more to the picture than the floral detail. A studio art class would be much appreciated, being that I have such a mental block when it comes to sketching faces.
I have been so interested in all types of light that we take for granted in every scene we enter on a day-to-day basis, that I started looking up interior designs. Not only is there direct lighting that lands on walls, and furniture, but many basic light sources that illuminate a room. The room pictured above shows great scalloped lighting on the walls as well as multiple overlapping light sources that create the scene. Shadows in this picture caught my attention, they, along with lighting, tend to be taken for granted…this is for sure something that is going to take so much practice, and research! Speaking of research, this picture came from:
The final picture of the eye I thought was just amazing! This photograph includes ideas of texture, rhythm, and detail. It is the little things in a picture that make it believable, and they are also the most tedious to get right. This image came from: