Sunday, October 25, 2009

Weekly Journal (10/19-10/25)

This week was probably the most fun and challenging yet.  I feel like I’m getting close to really being able to use 3D Studio vs. just avoiding it.  Watching more and more tutorials, as well as just playing around in the program has been most helpful by far.  I have already created my light fixture’s shape, and all that is left is just adding texture and lighting, which will probably be more challenging and best left as something to take the whole week to finish. 


My sketch for this week was fun and started with just the flower.  I figured I should try adding more to the picture than the floral detail.  A studio art class would be much appreciated, being that I have such a mental block when it comes to sketching faces.


I have been so interested in all types of light that we take for granted in every scene we enter on a day-to-day basis, that I started looking up interior designs.   Not only is there direct lighting that lands on walls, and furniture, but many basic light sources that illuminate a room.  The room pictured above shows great scalloped lighting on the walls as well as multiple overlapping light sources that create the scene.  Shadows in this picture caught my attention, they, along with lighting, tend to be taken for granted…this is for sure something that is going to take so much practice, and research!  Speaking of research, this picture came from:


The final picture of the eye I thought was just amazing!  This photograph includes ideas of texture, rhythm, and detail.  It is the little things in a picture that make it believable, and they are also the most tedious to get right.  This image came from:



Sunday, October 18, 2009

Weekly Journal (10/12-10/18)

This week has been interesting, with an emphasis on frustrating.  I seemed to have continually bought the wrong software, and nearly fried my laptop.  I really just need to find a good software system to run bootcamp and install 3D studio.  I really want to mess around with it to try and get somewhat of a handle on the whole thing.  Just keep searching, that’s all I can do.  I know it will be fun, as soon as I get all of the mess shuffled through.  Thankfully inspiration came easily this week.  All photos listed caught my eye and came to me almost instantly. Check ‘em out!


My sketch for the week was done in all pen.  I guess it is more of a doodle, but this is the type of design that comes to mind whenever I sit down with a blank sheet of paper.  I think they look tribal in their own unique way.  I would like to include a design like this in my lighting fixture for the new assignment.

So lets just say I have been looking around for some  ideas when it comes to the upcoming lighting assignment.  There are so many different styles out there! Antique, modern, odd, quaint, and so many more lighting fixtures filled up the page for my online searches.  These pictures above were some of the most interesting as well as a great example of the diversity I found.  Despite how full the lighting fixture appears in the upper left corner, I think it is my favorite, because of the shadows and shapes involved.  Also that particular fixture contrasts nicely with the simple sphere below it. This picture came from:


I just thought this was so neat!  A tunnel of led lights would be so awesome to walk through.  The lighting creates dimension, depth, and shape unlike many things I have seen before.  Despite the thousands of lights in this tunnel, there is no bright light overall.  Dim and dark, this light tunnel seemed so awesome. To see the site this was from go to…


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Weekly Journal (10/5-10/11)

3D Studio seems like such an intense program.  There are so many more options, especially with perspective that just change everything for the better.  Having four sections on the screen visible at the same time eliminates many difficulties that I ran into with SketchUp.  I am still trying to find the downloads for my computer, but I’m sure with just a little bit more hunting, I’ll be able to find it…or at least I hope so.  For now, I am spending quite a bit of time just watching tutorials for 3D Studio, to get a better feel for the program.  However, I think that just practice, through assignments, and messing around will help the most.


This first image is my sketch for the week.  I find that when I just sit down to sketch my mind goes blank and nothing but the same old images cross my mind.  Although I don’t have great sketches by any means, I am having so much more fun just sketching the second an idea pops into my head.  A bird just falling off a cliff seemed too tragic, so I felt a safety net would be a decent compromise.  Plus the little bird following after its mother made it that much more quirky.


The second image is one by an Australian artist, Erna Motna.  Because we are getting into 3D stuff I have been looking at and valuing perspective so much more than before.  To me, this image was totally unreadable.  But after doing a little bit more searching I found that it depicted an aerial shot of fires, hunters, and animals.  It is so interesting how differently; cultures portray various scenes from their everyday lives.  Being able to think differently helps an individual stand out, and make a difference. This picture is from



Finally I have one of my favorite Escher pieces posted.  His work is all about perspective and eye tricks.  Stairs that blend with walls and ceilings perfectly are at first believable, then obviously mind boggling in how it somehow comes together.  Again, a whole new take on perspective changes everything in this image to make it bizarre, unique, and interesting beyond compare.  I found this MC Escher piece at


Saturday, October 3, 2009

Weekly Journal (9/28-10/4)

Yay! 3D Modeling!!  Despite how frustrating it can be, I am really happy to be doing this.  I keep watching tutorials and searching the help bar countless times, and I think I am starting to, barely get the hang of this.

My sketch for the week was more random than anything.  It reminds me of a mix of the camera commercials with the multiple frames and Alice in Wonderland.  My sketches are not improving as much on the technical side of things, but I am noticing a difference in the creativity or thought I put into them.  

Searching Google numerous times I found this picture of the Pixar birds, and thought it was so cool!  There are many more concept images such as this one, on the web site listed below.  These pictures highlight the design process for many of Pixar's films such as The Incredibles, Monsters Inc., and several of their short films.  Check out this image and others at

And in between all of my Google searching of tutorials and help in 3D modeling I found this image which was really inspiring.  The use of shadows and lighting, and the various material patterns used makes this image more realistic.  Now my chair is nowhere near as complex but still I am proud that I was able to get it done.  I can only go up from where I am at now, and an image like this would be an ideal piece to create.  This image came from