Saturday, September 5, 2009

Weekly Journal (8/31-9/6)


           This second week was filled with many new experiences, and a new hands-on assignment.  Ideas, and inspiration, and an introduction into sound design opens up a whole new window to a form of media that I never really considered.  Sound design, I always thought of it as music, something to move to and enjoy, but not a composition.  The integral parts, and all of the research and time that goes into just finding the pieces to make a song is unbelievable.  It reminds me of all of the pictures that go into making a montage, except sound design seems much more extensive.  The film that we watched in class was inspiring on a completely different level, it is a work that inspires motion, which was beyond helpful in this haptic modeling assignment.  When I spend all of my time behind a computer screen, I forget that I have been stone still for over an hour, motion is something that I would like to incorporate into my own ideas of design.  Getting up and moving, designing, and using my hands to create a project was fun.  This is something I enjoy and want to continue.  Besides all of the hands-on work that went into this week's assignment, I started working with Photoshop again even more.  

Outside of class I found a very different form of inspiration on YouTube.  It is a video called Digital Image Manipulation-superb, and it shows a model being transformed with makeup and hair and then even more with Photoshop to create the finished project that was posted on a billboard.  (I did not pick this video to highlight a Dove advertisement, I was interested in the transformations that were taking place.)  It was amazing to see how much this software has been incorporated into ads and things all around us: magazines, posters, film, and picture editing.  This software has transformed our perception of what is real and how blemishes in any form can be edited away.

The second image above was something that I found at and captured my focus because of all of the motion and light it captured.  This image has energy, great lines, and movement.  In addition to the motion it incorporates, this work has a light and energy that is beyond this world, something that is vital to virtual environments.  Creating something that is believable, but at the same time entirely generated, is amazing in itself.

My sketch for the week was inspired from a street that I saw while on a trip to Paris, France.  Out of a street filled with elaborate buildings of times past was this new a very different building.  It was curved and sharply edged at the same time.  Unique in so many ways, this building truly inspires and goes beyond the norm of what a person would see while walking down a typical street in an average city.  This building inspired me to think outside the box and work towards incorporating items not often paired together.

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